Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) is an invasive insect in the United States that has killed millions of ash trees since it was first discovered in 2002 in Southeast Michigan.
EAB has become a destructive pest to the Midwest, but all hope is not lost. By using the latest trunk injection technologies, we can preserve your ash tree and prevent the devastation of EAB. Our approach is to first evaluate the ash tree to verify that it is a good candidate for annual or semi-annual treatments. Once the tree qualifies, we can move forward with treatments to prevent initial damage, or to fight back infestations as long as the canopy is at least 70% alive and green.
We use Arbor Jet™ systemic trunk injections and Tree-Age™ to place the pesticide directly into the vascular system of the ash tree. This method eliminates risky spray procedures as well as any pesticide drifting and allows us to save ash trees in any setting. If your ash trees have extensive damage and are beyond saving, the best procedure moving forward is removal and replacement. In addition, Second Nature can also recommend and install alternate tree species in place of any deceased ash. For more information on EAB visit www.emeraldashborer.info. Don’t wait until it’s too late; save your ash trees today!!!
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